News from Smartplan
A new and improved overview of activities in the punch clock
New in Smartplan

New major update to Smartplan's punch clock


We are pleased to announce a major update to our punch clock in Smartplan. With this update, we introduce a brand new menu item in the system, providing you with a complete overview of your employees’ daily clock-ins and clock-outs. Additionally, we have made it possible to clock in and out without having a rota on the account, meaning you can start using the punch clock immediately. Let’s take a look at the changes we’ve made.

New in Smartplan

New in Smartplan: Live Activities on iPhones


We have introduced a new update in our Smartplan app. With our new feature, live activities, your employees can now easily keep track of their working hours directly from their phones. They don’t even need to open the Smartplan app. Initially, the update is only available for iPhones.

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New in Smartplan

New major update to Smartplan's punch clock


We are pleased to announce a major update to our punch clock in Smartplan. With this update, we introduce a brand new menu item in the system, providing you with a complete overview of your employees’ daily clock-ins and clock-outs. Additionally, we have made it possible to clock in and out without having a rota on the account, meaning you can start using the punch clock immediately. Let’s take a look at the changes we’ve made.

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New in Smartplan

From contracts to certificates: Add documents to employee profiles in Smartplan


Every time we release a new update for Smartplan, we have a clear purpose: We want to make your work life simpler and more efficient. That’s why we’re also excited to introduce a new feature that many of our customers have requested—the ability to add documents directly to employee profiles!

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New in Smartplan

New in Smartplan: Live Activities on iPhones


We have introduced a new update in our Smartplan app. With our new feature, live activities, your employees can now easily keep track of their working hours directly from their phones. They don’t even need to open the Smartplan app. Initially, the update is only available for iPhones.

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New in Smartplan

New major update to Smartplan's punch clock


We are pleased to announce a major update to our punch clock in Smartplan. With this update, we introduce a brand new menu item in the system, providing you with a complete overview of your employees’ daily clock-ins and clock-outs. Additionally, we have made it possible to clock in and out without having a rota on the account, meaning you can start using the punch clock immediately. Let’s take a look at the changes we’ve made.

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New in Smartplan

From contracts to certificates: Add documents to employee profiles in Smartplan


Every time we release a new update for Smartplan, we have a clear purpose: We want to make your work life simpler and more efficient. That’s why we’re also excited to introduce a new feature that many of our customers have requested—the ability to add documents directly to employee profiles!

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New in Smartplan

New data and privacy settings in Smartplan


You probably know the feeling of guilt. The thoughts that are always lingering in the back of your mind. Am I handling my employee data as I should? Or am I actually storing data that I shouldn’t according to GDPR? Should I hide more data among the employees? With the latest update in Smartplan, you can let go of these thoughts forever.

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New in Smartplan

Salary in Smartplan: Increased transparency for all users


Ever wondered how to make salary calculations more transparent for both you and your employees? With our Smartplan Plus package, you can do just that. Today, we have launched two new updates designed to provide both you and your employees with more transparency regarding salaries.

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New in Smartplan

Adjusting visibility to ensure GDPR and internal guidelines compliance


It’s time for the fourth and final blog post in our series regarding our latest updates. This time, we are focusing on account visibility. In an era where data security and confidentiality are paramount, it is crucial for any business to have full control over who has access to which information. With our latest update, it has become even easier to manage the visibility on your account, ensuring compliance with GDPR and your company’s internal guidelines.

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New in Smartplan

Efficiency and error reduction: Unleash the power of superusers and locations


It’s time for the third post in our series about the newest update in Smartplan. Previously, we have given you a brief introduction to the content of the update (superusers + allocating employees to location). And last time, we looked at how both you and your employees can achieve more control and get a better overview in Smartplan by using the new features.

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New in Smartplan

Enhancing control and overview with locations and superusers


We welcome you back to our blog series, where we introduce you to the latest features within Smartplan. In our previous post, we gave you a brief introduction to the new features (superusers and the ability to assign employees to locations). This time, we’ll delve into various ways both you and your employees can gain more control and a better overview when using the new features in Smartplan.

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New in Smartplan

Exciting new features: Location allocation and superusers now available at Smartplan!


Here we are, after months of planning, designing, coding, and testing. We’re putting it all out there, hoping it lives up to your expectations - or, even better, exceeds them.

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No more unnecessary work: five updates that will make your work life easier


When you have a business, you only want to spend time on things which create value for both you and your business. Every time a situation occurs, where you have to spend a lot of time finding the answer or solving the situation, you would prefer to spend your time on something else. That is a feeling we can relate to.

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New in Smartplan

New in Smartplan: Get a complete overview of your employees’ days of holiday


Are you tired of having to keep track of numerous notes with your employees absence requests? And is it difficult to get an overview of whether they have enough days of holiday left when they request time off?

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New features coming to Smartplan


We often receive new feature requests from our customers and these requests are often the foundation of new features that we choose to launch. Lately, three requests have been repeated several times:

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New in Smartplan

News: Add names to rotas in Smartplan


Today, we have launched a new update, which we feel confident many of our customers will benefit from. We have made it possible to add titles to rotas in Smartplan. This might seem like a small update, but it is a feature that can be used in many different ways and that is also why it is a request we have received several times from our customers.

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New in Smartplan

We now support salary calculations


It is now possible to completely calculate salaries within Smartplan, so that you can always keep track of your labour costs. Not only for past working hours, but also for future working hours, based on your current planning.

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New in Smartplan

News: Smartplan supports widgets!


We have now made it even easier for you to get an overview of your upcoming shifts as well as shift swap options in Smartplan. From today, Smartplan supports widgets.

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We have fully reworked our template feature


Did you know that our template feature is one of the most integral parts of the Smartplan system? The template has been a part of Smartplan more or less since day one. As of today we have expanded the functionality of this feature even further.

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Additions and changes to our Assistent rules


This is an update many of our costumers have been waiting for. And we are at least as excited for it as they are. We have spent a lot of time working on this new update to ensure that as many customers as possible can benefit from it. 

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Smartplan absence calendar now available on mobile


We have great news for you. With the latest version of the Smartplan app you will now have access to the Smartplan absence calendar on your mobile, too.

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New updates for your notification settings


Today we have launched a few updates which all deal with the notifications you receive from Smartplan. It has become easier for you to choose how you wish to receive your notifications and at the same time, you can now see which devices you are receiving push notifications on.

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Pay salary based on positions


We have now given you more options regarding how your employees’ salary should be calculated. Previously, it has only been possible to assign one salary type to each employee. But from now an employee can receive different salaries based on which position their shifts had. Exactly what does this mean for your salary settings? Let us take a look.

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Changes to our DPA


We have changed our DPA to reflect a change in one of our sub-processors.

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New update in Smartplan: Explanation in case of missing clock out


Have you ever experienced feeling unsure about whether your employees have clocked out from their shifts? If so, you might appreciate our latest update. We have made it easier for you to understand why your employees’ hours appear as they do in look-ups.

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Improved overview of available shifts


We have made it easier for you to get an overview of the available shifts, that exist on your account.

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New in Smartplan: Time balances


Shortly before the summer vacation we told that we were working on a new feature and now, we can finally announce that the feature has been launched! So from today, it is possible for you to get an overview of your employees’ time balances in Smartplan. Let us take a look at it.

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Update to Smartplan Assistant


Now, we are ready with one of our larger updates which we feel confident you will appreciate and benefit from. Today, we have added two new rules to Smartplan and improved our Assistant, so that you can get an even better distribution of your employees when you are using our automatic shiftplanning.

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The complete guide to Hours and Salary


In the menu item “Hours & Salary” you can achieve a complete overview of your employees’ hours. In this article, we will go through the different options you have regarding hours and salary in Smartplan.

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News! Smartplan supports API


Now it is possible to do integrations with Smartplan through our recently launched API.

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New updates to Smartplan’s messaging function


We have just now launched an update to our message system, that makes it even easier for you to handle your organisation’s communication - all within Smartplan.

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Add and edit employees directly in Smartplan’s app


Today, we have a new update ready which should make it even easier for you to keep track of your employees in Smartplan. Going forward, you can easily add new employees and edit existing employees’ profiles - directly in the app.

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Update: Improved dropdown to staffing of shifts


Today, we have launched an update which improves the planningtool in Smartplan. We have several improvements in the making, and today the first one is ready for you.

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Update: New ways to handle absence in Smartplan


This time we are ready with one of the bigger updates to Smartplan. We have changed the way in which you can handle your employees’ absence. This goes for creating, editing and deleting absence in Smartplan.

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Benefits of using Smartplan Plus


When choosing a subscription you can also choose to purchase Smartplan Plus. The basic subscription includes everything you need in order to create your rota online: User-friendly shiftplanning, shift swaps and communication. Smartplan Plus is for those customers who want even more exact time recording, salary export and more assistance during planning.

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15 news to Smartplan


On a daily basis, we receive requests from our customers in terms of how we could develop on the system, and this is something we really appreciate. The last couple of weeks, we have been working on how to turn some of these requests into reality and therefore, we are now ready to present 15 news til Smartplan.

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New updates to Smartplan: Push messages, emails and inboxes


In the beginning of August, we launched a new messages feature in Smartplan and since then we have been working on a number of updates - several of which have been requested by our customers. Hopefully, you will now experience even better communication opportunities in Smartplan.

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Punch clock on mobile and a better overview of time recording


Lately, we have been working on a couple of news and now, we are finally ready to share them with you.

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Two new features in Smartplan


Last week we launched two new features in Smartplan which I would like to tell you about. Both of these features have been requested by some of our customers so hopefully, you can benefit from them.

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We are launching a new notifications system


I hardly know where to begin. This is one of the big ones. Let me start with the most important: We are now launching Push messages for Android and iPhone. Read more about what that means here.

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Improvements to the logbook and the request-function


We have recently updated Smartplan with some improvements, which should make it easier for you to use Smartplan in your daily work.

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Updating the Assistant


Now that the dust has settled after the launch of our planning assistant, it’s time for an update to the function.

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Open position: Full-Time Python/Django Web Developer


We are looking for a talented developer to join us full-time.

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Creating a new location just got easier


We’re often asked how to divide schedules into different groups. Or how to give a schedule a heading.

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Delete messages and change account


Today we’re shipping two new features for Smartplan: Delete messages and an improved navigation.

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Smartplan’s New Year’s Resolutions


First and foremost, we at Smartplan would like to start out by wishing you all a happy New Year! We hope you had a nice Christmas with all your loved ones and have entered 2016 the best (and safest) way possible. Entering a new year is to many people associated with a fresh start and an opportunity to make life changes. Some set out to lose 10 kg while others set out to save up money and go on a long wanted journey. Which New Year’s resolutions does Smartplan have for 2016? We’ve discussed it at the office and have found some good suggestions and some funny suggestions describing our goals for 2016.

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Goodbye to our Interns


Thursday last week was our Christmas party at Smartplan before the holidays. It was a nice day, which at the same time marked the end of the internship of our two interns, Louise and Maiken. We don’t know where the time went and we feel that they just started working with us yesterday! In connection with them finishing the internship, we’ve asked them to reflect on their time here at Smartplan.

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The Famous and Notorious Christmas Party


In the UK, Christmas parties are widely known as the office party of the year. It’s that one time where hierarchy doesn’t seem to matter that much and people let loose and dance and drink. It’s as much a celebration of the relationships at work as a celebration of Christmas. There are a lot of different traditions connected with Christmas parties in the different cultures around the world – in this blog post we want to write about the Danish tradition of the so called Christmas lunches.

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How to Avoid Christmas Stress


“Oh no, it’s December already!” That is how many people react when we, once again, enter the last month of the year. To many, Christmas equals stress, because they - in addition to the Christmas shopping - feel that they have much more than usual to live up to in December: Christmas parties almost every weekend, family get-togethers, decorating, baking and an intensified effort at work in order to make it all before the holidays. Reaching Christmas Eve, most people are exhausted and maybe even turn sick. But it doesn’t have to be that way - we hereby give you some simple pieces of advice on how to avoid Christmas stress.

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Not Your Typical Customer


At Smartplan we love customers – in all shapes and sizes! And we’re sure that many companies feel the same way. Also, we think that many companies sometimes come across surprising customers. These are customers that you wouldn’t expect to have use of your product or maybe even customers you didn’t know existed. This is something that we experience at Smartplan from time to time, and we see it as a positive thing, as it shows us that our product is versatile.

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Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas With Smartplan


“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”

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You Don’t Need an Investor to Become an Entrepreneur


We’ve reached the last week of our entrepreneurship theme on the Smartplan Blog. The last post is written by one of the founders of Smartplan, Mathias Aggerbo, and it gives his view on funding. He questions the massive focus on funding and the millions that might follow.

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Are You In on the Start-Up Jargon?


If you read last week’s blog post, you know that we’re currently focusing on entrepreneurship. We do this in the hopes that we’re able to pass on some of our knowledge and experience within the field. After all, just three years ago the founders of Smartplan were in the exact same situation as every other start-up. Next week, you can read about the experiences of the founders Peter, Mathias and Mikkel. While we wait for that, this week’s blog post describes the terms’used in the world of start-ups, the so called start-up jargon:

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“I Have a Brilliant Idea!” - 4 Pieces of Advice for the Entrepreneur


Welcome to Smartplan’s entrepreneur weeks! Entrepreneurship is as popular as ever: last year, more than 500,000 new businesses were created in the UK alone, while TV programmes such as “Dragon’s Den” show how budding entrepreneurs try to convince investors to invest in their business ideas. Yet, far from every entrepreneur makes it on the often overcrowded markets. Therefore, we have chosen to focus on entrepreneurship on the blog during this and next week. This week, we concentrate on expert advice for entrepreneurs, while next week’s focus will be on our own experiences as entrepreneurs in Denmark. Enjoy!

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Let Your Customers Speak For You: How to Make a Great Customer Case


We often hear that word-of-mouth is the most effective way of letting potential customers know that your company exists and that your product is worth spending money on. Numerous marketing experts and companies agree on this, which applies to both B2C and B2B businesses. A study of the B2B market shows that 80% of the asked decision-makers of Danish companies think that customer cases have an influence on their choice of suppliers.

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Smartplan: From Newborn to Toddler


We previously gave you the story of Smartplan and how our baby was created in only 16 weeks. But do you know how much has happened since the launch 2.5 years ago? Have you noticed that Smartplan employee scheduling system has developed from a newborn into a toddler with multiple updates and new functions?

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How to Lift Your Customer Service


One of the things we’re constantly working on at Smartplan is customer service. We live to make our customers happy, so to speak, but we can always do better. Here are a few tips that we at Smartplan try to live by, in terms of customer service and contact:

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Smartplan and the Farmer: Visiting Fristrupminde


Last week we visited a customer, who at first sight seems like an unusual customer of Smartplan. But Smartplan isn’t only for bars and restaurants. There’s a very special type of customer that benefits from online employee scheduling as well: farmers. But how is Smartplan suitable for farming? That’s what we decided to find out by visiting Mike Timmermann on his farm Fristrupminde in Northern Jutland.

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Heard at Smartplan – a guide to expressions used in the world of IT


A few months ago, the three of us communication students started our internship at Smartplan. Since Smartplan is a company that provides SaaS and we would be working alongside three programmers we knew from the beginning, that we would come across some unknown expressions – and so we did! Now and then we still laugh when the programmers discuss their work at the office, as we still quite don’t follow it all. We imagine that many non-IT-specialists are in the a similar situation. Therefore, we have created a list of five funny and misunderstood phrases that we’ve come across in our short time at Smartplan. They’re silly examples of what we were thinking when we heard the phrases and what the phrases actually mean.

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Socialising after Work


Should you meet up with colleagues outside of work? And should fun be implemented in the workplace? That is often something that both employees and managers worry about.

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The 3 Most Annoying Things About Scheduling In Excel


In most businesses, Excel spreadsheets are an integrated part of the everyday work contributing to the management of, for example, finances and presenting data more clearly. Yet, when dealing with employee scheduling, Excel isn’t the most suitable tool for the task. We have made a top 3 featuring the most annoying things about using Excel for employee scheduling:

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A Good Collaboration


For the last week-and-a-half, Denmark’s second largest city Aarhus (which also happens to be the home of Smartplan) celebrated “Aarhus Festuge” – a returning event every year in Aarhus. It’s one of Northern Europe’s largest cultural festivals, but it’s also just a big town fair for the people living in Aarhus. We at Smartplan wanted to contribute to the festival. Being a small business, we know the importance of taking part in the local community around us. And of course, we wanted to be part of our festive surroundings.

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How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page


With over 380 million users, LinkedIn is the leading social networking site for professionals. Having a LinkedIn Company Page provides a great opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services, find new employees, and share interesting and useful updates.

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The Story of Smartplan: Making Ideas Happen


As some of you might know, Smartplan was founded two years ago by three entrepreneurs from Aarhus in Denmark: Peter Møller and the two brothers Mathias and Mikkel Aggerbo. But did you know that Smartplan employee scheduling software was created in only 16 weeks? Or that the team behind it developed everything themselves?

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5 Tips for Effective Employee Management


To manage a business is more than shift scheduling – we know! One important aspect is that the leader of the company is able to lead and guide her or his employees. That way the employees are able to exploit their full potential, which will contribute to the business development of the company. Andrew Schrage, who is himself a small business owner (Money Crashers) specialised in economic counselling, has developed a set of advice on how to be great leader to your employees:

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3 Features that Make Smartplan Employee Scheduling Easy and Timesaving


At Smartplan we are constantly thinking of ways to refine and update our product to make employee scheduling even easier for you. Take a look at some of our latest updates to Smartplan:

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Smartplan Welcomes Our New Communication Interns


As the summer is drawing to a close, changes are happening at Smartplan. On Wednesday 5th of August, Martina, Louise and Maiken, our three new communication interns, started working here at Smartplan. All three girls are Master students at Aarhus University with the department of Business and Social Sciences and have chosen to do an internship at Smartplan during their third semester. In the course of their internship, they are going to help give our communication a boost and try to give you a better experience of our online communication and social media. Additionally, they will work on generating more attention towards our company and software and help strengthen our position on the English-speaking markets.

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Keeping track of your SaaS with ChartMogul on iPhone


As a small company we keep a close eye at every single customer that signups up to try Smartplan for employee scheduling. One of our tools to keep up with our business is ChartMogul.

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Smartplan is here and we can’t wait


We’re finally open for business and we can’t wait to bring your employee schedule online. Last friday we invited our families to celebrate the hard work we have put in to Smartplan the last couple of month. We have been hard at work to bring Smartplan to you.

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Smartplan is a perfect match for your business

It’s easy to switch

Whether you’re currently using scheduling software, Excel or even a pen and paper, switching to Smartplan is quick and easy.

It just works

Smartplan combines a simple, user-friendly interface and powerful scheduling tools to create a system that just works.

Take care of your bottom line

We’ve ditched unnecessary frills and functions to give you the most cost-effective solution.