Smartplan: From Newborn to Toddler

We previously gave you the story of Smartplan and how our baby was created in only 16 weeks. But do you know how much has happened since the launch 2.5 years ago? Have you noticed that Smartplan employee scheduling system has developed from a newborn into a toddler with multiple updates and new functions?

After launching Smartplan, numerous customers signed up to try the system and gave feedback on their experience with it. Therefore, we started out by improving our sign in function to allow a smoother access to Smartplan. As time went by, we realized that a newborn needs nursing and care to thrive, which is why we decided to make Smartplan free of charge for the rest of 2013 and work closely with our customers. That way, we were able to see exactly what they needed and which changes were necessary to make Smartplan grow.

Changes for Everyone

Through the past two years, Smartplan has experienced rapid development. We have altered the system and introduced several improved functions and initiatives for both the administrator and the employees. For the administrator, we have made it easier to create employees manually, edit positions, grant administrative rights, export time registrations and look up old schedules. Furthermore, we have provided them with the possibility of creating several locations, adding breaks to time spans and sending texts from Smartplan.

Employees using Smartplan have experienced an improvement with the registration of their work hours. They’re now also able to register when they’re away on vacation. For all users, regardless of status, we have improved our mobile version of Smartplan, created a sidebar and made Smartplan more solid and faster to work with. All in all, we have focused on making it more user-friendly to make sure that it’s always easy to use.

We’re eager to see how our little toddler will develop in the future. We’re constantly working on new projects and right now we have two in the making that we cannot wait to show you! Stay updated on Smartplan’s latest news on our Facebook site.

Smartplan is a perfect match for your business

It’s easy to switch

Whether you’re currently using scheduling software, Excel or even a pen and paper, switching to Smartplan is quick and easy.

It just works

Smartplan combines a simple, user-friendly interface and powerful scheduling tools to create a system that just works.

Take care of your bottom line

We’ve ditched unnecessary frills and functions to give you the most cost-effective solution.