How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page

With over 380 million users, LinkedIn is the leading social networking site for professionals. Having a LinkedIn Company Page provides a great opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services, find new employees, and share interesting and useful updates.

That is why Smartplan recently created its own LinkedIn Company Page and why you should create one for your business too!

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page only takes minutes and anyone with a company name and associated email address can create a Company Page. The more richly detailed content on your Company Page is, the more powerful your Company Page will become.

The following five steps are simple steps that you can take to create a great LinkedIn Company Page that motivates users to follow your company and helps drive sales.

1. Consider the Objective of Your Company Page
As with everything else, it is important to first consider your objective and reflect on what is most essential to achieve from your Company Page. Whether your objective is branding, HR and recruitment, sales, lead generation, establishing relationships with customers or investors or something completely different, you should tailor the content according to your objective.

2. Upload Logo and Cover Image
Your LinkedIn Company home page contains a company logo and a cover photo. The logo you upload will be showed to other LinkedIn users when they search for your company. Additionally, the logo will also appears on your employees’ profiles, so make sure that all of your employees add the company page to their profiles. This will ensure a wider reach of LinkedIn users. The cover photo should be eye-catching and can provide further insight as to what your company does.

3. Write a Description of Your Business
Your LinkedIn Company home page also contains a short summary of the company. Take your time to write a compelling description of your business and use keywords, so people can find your LinkedIn Company Page through relevant searches.

4. Connect Employees with Your Page.
Ask those of your employees, who have LinkedIn Profiles, to identify within those profiles that they work for your company. After they have taken this step, they will appear as employees on your Company Page. Users who visit your Company Page can then learn more about them and connect with them.

5. Post Company Updates
This is where your thoughts regarding the objective of your Company Page should come into use with creating quality content. Tailor your content to your objective and your audience’s needs and interests. You can (and should) post company news and you can choose to post helpful tips and advice related to your industry. You could also think of your company page as a discussion forum rather than an advertising platform - it up to you. It could be useful to plan a schedule of the updates you wish to post in order to save time and provide an overview of what needs to be posted when.

We hope these steps will be useful to you and your business.

Sources: Hæggelin, N. & Steentoft, C. (2014) Arbejd professionelt med LinkedIn (Work professionally with LinkedIn)

Malone-Johnstone, E. (2015) How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page to Promote Your Business Found Online at:

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