Get the full overview of your employees' time attendance

Register attendance through your rota, the punch clock in our app or from a tablet at work. All attendance will be gathered in one place in Smartplan so you can get the full overview.

Smartplan's punch clock

Once the rota is created and daily operations are running smoothly, Smartplan keeps track of my employees' attendance so I can easily process payroll by uploading a file to my payroll system. It saves me a huge amount of time, and I’m confident that the payroll is accurate.

Katrine Prag




Prag Copenhagen

As responsible, you can always see exactly when your employees met and left

Choose a period for your look-up and see all the details regarding your employees' time attendance. Export the hours to your salary system.

Image of Hours and Salary

Export the hours to your salary system

With only a few clicks it is possible to export your hours into a file, which you can easily open in your salary system. This way, you do not have to do all the typing and you ensure that supplements, overtime and sickness gets handled automatically.

Image of attendance in Smartplan

Do not miss any details regarding the time attendance

Sometimes details are required to get an overview of your business. Why is it a specific amount of hours? Why did the employee leave later than planned?

Everything you need to keep track of the full-time permanent employee's working time account and overtime

Read more about the possibilities of using time balances in Smartplan.
Image of settings in Smartplan

Handle time attendance in 3 ways.

Read more about our punchclock
Billede af Smartplan appen

Frequently asked questions about time attendance in Smartplan

  • Can I use Smartplan's punch clock without a rota in Smartplan?

    Yes. You do not need to use Smartplan's scheduling tool or use rotas. If you just need a simple punch clock that is quick and easy to use, Smartplan is all you need.

  • Can I have time recording in Smartplan without using the punch clock?

    Yes, the punch clock is only for if you want your employees to clock in and out when they meet and leave. If you instead want to let your employees edit their attendance as with a time sheet, this is also possible. All corrections are visible in Smartplan so that you can approve or decline them. You can see it all from just one place: registrations from the punch clock or corrections made by employees. It all appears in the same place to give you the full overview.

  • Do you send a terminal to the punch clock or how do I get started?

    No, it does not require any hardware from us before you can get started. Simply open the punch clock on an iPad or other tablet or computer. You can also let your employees punch in from our app on their phone.

  • If the employees want to punch in from their phone, how do I then know whether they have met at work?

    When setting up the punch clock on mobile you choose a location on a map from which they can clock in and out. Then the GPS in the employee's phone will be used to ensure that they are at the right place when they clock in and out.

  • What happens if an employee meets for work before the shift starts?

    For each company, it is different how this situation should be handled. Therefore, you can define what should happen if an employee meets before time in the settings. You can also define what should happen if they stay longer than what was planned. This means that you decide whether they should receive hours for meeting early or from when the shift starts.

  • Can Smartplan keep track of supplements regarding overtime?

    If you want to export your hours to a salary system, you can trough Smartplan Plus set up supplements which are passed on through the file you import in your salary system. This way, Smartplan and your salary system ensure that your employees receive the right supplements, when their hours qualifies for it. It is your call which supplements you want to use. You can set it up on different times and days. For example, all shifts after 6 PM give a supplement or that all Sundays must have a supplement.

  • What if an employee does not have a shift in the rota, is it then possible to punch in?

    Yes, they can. Often, it happens that an extra employee is called into work without having a planned shift. When they clock in, a time recording is created so you can always be sure all hours are registered, also if they have not been scheduled.

  • Can I punch in at several locations?

    Yes. If your employees meet for work at different locations, they can clock in at these different locations. You can also divide your rotas into locations and then the shifts will automatically belong to those locations when the employees clock in. You can also set up different locations as geofences, which your employees can clock in from through their phone. You can also hang a tablet at each location and let your employees clock in from that.

  • What about breaks, can Smartplan subtract them?

    Breaks in Smartplan are always subtracted from the hours. This means, that when you create breaks on a shift the duration of the break is subtracted. The same goes for a time recording - when a break is created, it is subtracted. A break can either be created by the employee during the shift or you can choose that the employees must fill out how many minutes of break they have had when they clock out.

  • How do I handle hours, if an employee got sick?

    If an employee does not meet for work due to sickness, you can mark in on the shift so that the hours are not counted. You can also set up the punch clock so that it will automatically result in 0 hours, if the employee does not clock in. Smartplan can handle vacation, sickness, absence and lieu days.

  • How much does time attendance in Smartplan cost?

    Time attendance and overviews are always included in our basis subscription. If you want to use our punch clock as well as handling supplements and export for salary systems, you need our Plus package. This costs £15 per month no matter the size of your company. You can read much more about pricing here.

  • Kan jeg godt bruge Smartplans stempelur uden en vagtplan i Smartplan?

    Ja. Hvis du ikke benytter dig af vagtplaner og kun vil benytte Smartplan til tidsregistrering kan du gøre det ved at oprette en vagtplan uden nogle vagter i. Du kan f.eks. blot oprette en vagtplan for din lønperiode. Stempeluret skal have en vagtplan at registrere tiden på, men du behøver ikke at have oprettet vagter i vagtplanen. Kontakt os endelig hvis du har spørgsmål til dette.

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Why Smartplan is the right choice for you:

Managing multiple employees? Get total clarity
Stop wrestling with Excel spreadsheets. Put your schedule right in your team's pockets with our Shift Planning App.
We believe in simple solutions and great support
Why pay for a complex system full of features you'll never use? We keep it simple: easy scheduling, straightforward time tracking, and hassle-free payroll management.
Start with Smartplan for just £34 per month
No complicated pricing, no long-term contracts. You only pay for what you actually need – nothing more.
Built for the long haul
We've been in the scheduling and time tracking business for 10 years, and we're here to stay. We're profitable, completely customer-funded, and proud to be recognized as a Gazelle growth company for the fourth consecutive year. Learn more about Smartplan.
Børsen Gazelle 2023
Read More
Discover our user-friendly and free mobile App for your shift planning.
Learn how our intuitive scheduling system makes planning effortless.
See how we've made time tracking and payroll management simple.
Explore the market's smartest automatic shift planning.
We've written the ultimate guide to creating a rota.